Musical Instruments that start with a

Man playing an accordion
The Accordion

Music education is an integral part of many cultures, providing individuals with the opportunity to learn and appreciate the art of music.

One way to explore the world of music is through the study of popular instruments, many of which begin with the letter A.

From the popular Acoustic Guitar to the lesser-known Angklung, these instruments play a significant role in the composition and performance of music in bands and orchestras.

In this article, we will explore the diverse array of musical instruments starting with the letter A, highlighting their unique characteristics and the role they play in the world of music.

Also, do check out my page on instruments of the world for a quick collection of the most famous instruments used.

Full List of Instruments Starting With A


The Accordina is an aerophone instrument from France that belongs to the family of free reed instruments. It is a type of accordion, which is an instrument that is played by pressing buttons or keys, causing air to flow through reeds that are fixed in frames.

The sound of the Accordina is produced by the vibration of the reeds, which are made of metal or other materials, and can be controlled by the player using the buttons or keys on the instrument. The Accordina is popular in many different musical styles and is known for its versatility and expressive capabilities.


The Accordola is an aerophone from the United States coming from the family of free reed instruments. It is a type of mouth organ that is played by blowing air into a mouthpiece. The sound is produced by the vibration of the reeds, which can be controlled by the player using the mouthpiece. The Accordola is popular in many musical styles and is known for its unique sound and portability.


The Adungu is a chordophone from Uganda stemming from the family of string instruments. It is a type of harp that is played by plucking strings across a frame or soundboard. The sound is produced by the vibration of the strings, which can be controlled by the player using their fingers or a plectrum. The Adungu is popular in many musical styles and is known for its rich, warm sound and its versatility.

Aeolian harp

The Aeolian harp is a chordophone from Germany that belongs to the family of stringed instruments. It is a type of harp that is played by the wind, rather than by a person. The sound is produced by the vibration of the strings, which are made of gut, metal, or other materials.

The Aeolian harp is named after Aeolus, the Greek god of the wind, and is known for its ethereal, otherworldly sound. It is often used in outdoor settings, such as gardens or parks. It has been extensively used by composer Chopin in his classical music pieces.


The Afoxé is an idiophone from the Edo region of Nigeria and Brazil belonging to the family of unpitched percussion instruments. It is a type of drum that is played by striking a skin or membrane with the hands, sticks, or other implements.

The sound is produced by the vibration of the skin or membrane, which can be controlled by the player using various techniques. The Afoxé is popular in many musical styles and is known for its vibrant, energetic sound that is often used in African and Brazilian music


The Agida is a membranophone instrument from Suriname and from the family of percussion instruments. It is a type of bass drum that produces sound through the vibration of a stretched skin or membrane. The player can control the sound by using different techniques of striking, damping, and resonating. The Agida is known for its deep, powerful sound, and is often used to provide a strong rhythmic foundation in various musical styles.


The Agogô is an idiophone instrument from the Yoruba people of West Africa from the family of unpitched percussion instruments. It is a type of bell that produces sound through the vibration of metal or other material.

The player can control the sound by using different techniques of striking, damping, and resonating. The Agogô is known for its bright, sharp sound, and is often used to provide a rhythmic accent or call-and-response pattern in various musical styles.


The Agung is an idiophone instrument from Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines that belongs to the family of unpitched percussion instruments. It is a type of slit drum that produces sound through the vibration of a wooden or other material that has been hollowed out and cut with slits.

The player can control the sound by using different techniques of striking, damping, and resonating. The Agung is known for its deep, rich sound, and is often used to provide a strong rhythmic foundation in various musical styles.

Air horn

The air horn is an aerophone instrument that belongs to the family of plosive instruments. It is a type of trumpet that produces sound through the vibration of air as it flows through a tube or pipe. The player can control the sound by using different techniques of embouchure, breath control, and tonguing.

The air horn is known for its loud, piercing sound, and is often used to signal the start or end of events or to provide a musical or rhythmic accent in various musical styles.


The Ajaeng is a chordophone instrument from Korea that belongs to the family of string instruments. It is a type of zither that produces sound through the vibration of strings that are stretched across a flat, resonant surface. The player can control the sound by using their fingers or a plectrum. The Ajaeng is known for its delicate, expressive sound, and is often used in traditional Korean music.


The Akkordolia is a chordophone instrument from Austria and Germany that belongs to the family of stringed instruments. It is a type of zither that produces sound through the vibration of strings that are stretched across a flat, resonant surface.

The player can control the sound by using their fingers or a plectrum. The Akkordolia is known for its rich, complex sound, and is often used in ensemble music. It is distinguished from other zithers by its ability to play chords as well as melodies.


The Alboka is an aerophone instrument from the Basque Country that belongs to the family of reed instruments. It is a type of clarinet that produces sound through the vibration of a single reed or double reed.

The player can control the sound by using various techniques of embouchure, breath control, and tonguing. The Alboka is known for its distinctive, penetrating sound, and is often used in traditional Basque music.


The Alfaia is a membranophone instrument from Brazil that belongs to the family of percussion instruments. It is a type of drum that produces sound through the vibration of skin or membrane. The player can control the sound by using various techniques of striking, damping, and resonating.

The Alfaia is known for its deep, powerful sound, and is often used to provide a strong rhythmic foundation in various musical styles. It is typically played in pairs, with one drum providing a low-pitched bass tone and the other providing a higher-pitched treble tone.


The Algaita is an aerophone instrument from Niger that belongs to the family of reed instruments. It is a type of oboe that produces sound through the vibration of a double reed. The player can control the sound by using various techniques of embouchure, breath control, and tonguing.

The Algaita is known for its sharp, piercing sound, and is often used to provide a melodic or soloistic voice in various musical styles. It is typically played in pairs, with one Algaita providing a low-pitched bass tone and the other providing a higher-pitched treble tone.

Algerian Mandole

The Algerian Mandole is a chordophone instrument from Algeria, the Berber people, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia that belongs to the family of string instruments. It is a type of mandolin that produces sound through the vibration of strings.

The player can control the sound by using their fingers or a plectrum. The Algerian Mandole is known for its bright, lively sound, and is often used in traditional Arabic and North African music. It is distinguished from other mandolins by its unique construction and design.


The Almpfeiferl is an aerophone instrument from Austria that belongs to the family of woodwind instruments. It is a type of flageolet wind instrument that produces sound through the vibration of air as it flows through a resonant tube or pipe. The player can control the sound by using various techniques of embouchure, breath control, and tonguing.

The Almpfeiferl is known for its sweet, delicate sound, and is often used in traditional Austrian music. It is similar to the baroque recorder in its construction and playing technique, but has a smaller, more compact size and a higher, more piercing sound.


The alphorn is an aerophone instrument from Switzerland that belongs to the family of woodwind instruments. It is a type of natural trumpet-like wind instrument that produces sound through the vibration of air as it flows through a resonant tube or pipe. The player can control the sound by using various techniques of embouchure, breath control, and tonguing. The alphorn is known for its distinctive, powerful sound, and is often used in traditional Swiss music.

Alto horn

The alto horn is a type of aerophone that is commonly used in Belgium. It is one of the many brass instruments that produce sound through the vibration of air as it flows through a resonant tube or pipe. Much like the french horn or the English horn, the player can control the sound by using various techniques of embouchure, breath control, and tonguing. The alto horn is known for its mellow, rich sound, and is often used in traditional Belgian music.


Angélique is a type of chordophone, which is a category of instrument that produces sound through the vibration of strings. It is a stringed instrument that can have various designs and can be played in different ways depending on the specific type of instrument and the culture it comes from. Some common examples of chordophones include the acoustic guitar, violin, and harp.


Angklung is a type of idiophone that is commonly used in Indonesia. It is a pitched percussion instrument that produces sound by being struck or shaken. The angklung typically consists of a series of bamboo tubes that are hung from a frame and struck with a wooden mallet to produce a range of musical notes. It is often played in ensembles and is an important part of Indonesian traditional music.


The Apinti is a type of membranophone that is commonly used in Suriname. It is a percussion instrument that produces tones by being struck or shaken. The Apinti is a type of tenor drum that produces a lower, deeper sound than other drums. It is typically played with sticks or mallets and is an important part of Suriname’s traditional music.

Appalachian dulcimer

The Appalachian dulcimer is a string instrument from the United States, typically played with a pick or bare fingers. It is similar in design to the German dulcimer but has a unique shape and sound.


The Arbajo is a chordophone from Nepal, played by plucking or strumming strings on a soundboard. Its design and appearance vary, but it is commonly used in traditional music at religious ceremonies and festivals.


The archlute is a type of chordophone that is commonly used in Western Europe. It is a larger version of the lute, with strings that are played by plucking, strumming, or bowing.


The Arghul is an aerophone from Egypt, Syria, and Turkey that is similar to a clarinet.


The arobapá is a membranophone from Cuba that is a type of drum.


The arpeggione is a type of chordophone from Austria. It is a stringed instrument that produces sound by vibrating strings.


The Ashiko is a type of membranophone from West Africa. It is a type of percussion that produces sound by vibrating a stretched membrane. It is also one of the easiest instruments to play.


Atabaques are membranophones, a type of musical instrument that produces sound by the vibration of a stretched membrane, that originate from Brazil and are used in percussion ensembles.


Atenteben is an aerophone, a type of instrument that produces sound by the vibration of air, originates from Ghana, and is a type of woodwind instrument, specifically a flute.


An aulochrome is an aerophone, a type of musical instrument that produces sound by the vibration of air, originates from Belgium, and is a type of reed instrument, specifically a saxophone.


An aulos is an aerophone, producing sound by vibrating air, and is a type of reed instrument. The aulos is an ancient Greek instrument that was typically played in pairs and was known for its distinctive sound and usage in religious ceremonies and public events.


The autoharp is a chordophone from the United States, played by strumming the strings with fingers or a pick and pressing buttons or levers to produce different chords. It is known for its distinctive sound and popularity in folk and country music.

Aztec Death Whistle

The Aztec Death Whistle is an aerophone from Mexico that produces a haunting tone associated with Aztec rituals and ceremonies. It is known for its unique sound and uses in Aztec music performances.

man playing the guitar
Acoustic Guitar


In conclusion, the letter A is home to a diverse array of musical instruments. There is no perfect instrument as such and each instrument has its unique sound and purpose, adding to the rich tapestry of music and culture. Whether played alone or in combination with other instruments, these continue to captivate audiences and inspire new generations of musicians. 

Video Examples

For your convenience I have also created a video playlist of the Instruments mentioned above. Do check these out to see and hear these instruments being played by real musicians.

You can explore more of this series by checking out my next post on instruments that start with the letter b.


Image by adaoaalves from Pixabay

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Nikhil Koparde

From the bustling city of Mumbai, I am a professional Composer, Producer, and Educator with a wealth of expertise in the industry. With over 15 years of experience and a diverse portfolio including composing for movies, television, web series, songwriting, music production, and creating meditation music. I also love to teach music and musicality to students worldwide. When I’m not in the studio, you can find me doing music consultancy for independent projects and exploring the intersection of Space & Spirituality.

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